You wanted me to tell you what I saw, so I’m going to state it plain and simple.
I got an email that was untitled and I don’t remember who sent it.
There was a video attached to it called SpiderRoom.mp4
You wanted me to tell you what I saw, so I’m going to state it plain and simple.
I was curious so I watched it and whatever that video was for, I wasn’t meant to see it.
I deleted that email and hoped none of it would be traced back to me. I’m not sure if I could be put in prison for what I saw, or if the person who sent it targeted me on purpose. I didn’t want any of it so I deleted the whole email.
I contemplated getting rid of the laptop but I think I was fine.
I watched the video and it watched me right back.
I just never want to experience that again.
Unknown (1978-2001)
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